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How I Started My Business

Margaret Sims

It started with a Helen Keller quote in a Quilting Diary that I was considering buying – ‘One cannot consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar’. Something reacted inside me.

I knew I wasn’t happy. All the creativity and love of teaching I used to have was slowly dying. I was being buried alive.

Finally, with a push, I left my job as a Business and Computing Teacher to face the unknown. I’d given so much of myself that I needed to find anew who I was and what I wanted for my future. Not easy at that time for a baby boomer woman whose career took second place to the expectations of her generation.

I taught for a while part-time in Business Colleges while I searched for my new place in the world. I felt too young to retire. There were personal challenges along the way, including looking after an aging parent.

Eventually I trained as an Image Consultant with a lady who’d done my colours years ago. I left the world of teenage girls to help women my own age. I went into business for myself.

It has been a challenging and interesting journey so far.

Margaret Sims Stylish Baby Boomers

Why I Do What I Do

You can’t educate women and then expect them to fade into invisibility with age. Many of us still want to use whatever talents we have to participate and contribute to the world.

In my business, Stylish Baby Boomers, I have taken what I always believed was the core of myself as a teacher to help Baby Boomers ‘blossom into a new way of being’. My curiosity and creative eye helps me uncover the modern classics of dressing for my female and male clients so that they let go of their old dressing habits.

Dressing is my forte. I leave the makeup and skincare changes to someone else.

Margaret Sims Stylish Baby Boomers

With gentle guidance, a few tweaks and some new knowledge, I watch my clients change their dressing and discover the new-found confidence they were searching for but weren’t sure they could make happen.

Your dressing is a powerful visual clue to what you think and feel about yourself.

The teacher is who I am and who I always will be. On the surface, as a Professional Stylist, I teach you how to revamp your wardrobe and your dressing. What I really do is to give you permission to become the person you truly want to be – ‘to soar not to creep’.

My Contact Details:

Margaret Sims

Stylish Baby Boomers

0407 137 264



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