While every buyer is their own man or woman, there are some common complaints from buyers looking for properties that don’t pass muster. Know them and you can avoid them when it’s your turn to sell.
Clingy sellers
It can be extremely difficult to let go of a property, especially if it’s somewhere you’ve made a home and stitched together memories. But once you’ve decided to sell you need to commit to that process.
Give your agent room to do their job, and potential buyers the space they need to get hooked. Sellers that linger during an open inspection, or start regaling inspectees with merry tales of every last crevice will turn most people off.
Even if your stories are actually quite charming, you need to remember that selling a property is a business transaction, and stay as dispassionate and objective as possible. Keep your distance and focus on the next property in your life!
Walking into a property that’s not well presented is often the death knell for a sale. Buyers will turn off if they’re inundated with dust, dirt or other muck. Make an effort, and hire a professional cleaner, home stager, or both if you need a hand.
Thoroughly clean the entire property, including all those areas you think no one notices. Living areas, backyards, bathrooms and toilets should get extra attention (you’d be surprised how many people use the bathroom at an inspection).
You can’t really overdo cleaning when it comes to selling – properties that just look neat and acceptable might not be enough, especially if you’re commanding top dollar.
Your home should shine as much as it possibly can.
Ah, the good ol’ nose, always ruining things. Actually, we should be glad we’re so sensitive to smell, and that smells can have a big impact on our property buying process.
Setting up your place for sale can involved creating a set of inviting smells. But it should also involve getting rid of the unappealing ones.
Top of buyers turn off lists are pet smells. Even if we love our own animals, we don’t really want to smell other people’s, especially when it’s in an environment we’re trying to imagine kicking back and relaxing in.
Other smell turn offs are cigarette smoke, mustiness, food and overpowering perfumes or incense (if you’re dressing your home for sale, less is more).
If your property is for sale, you usually need to do a little more than a quick spruce (unless you keep an amazing home all year round!). Declutter strategically and systematically, starting with those areas that will interest most buyers when they inspect your home, and the areas they’ll do most of their living in. A cluttered living room is harder to explain away than a cluttered garage, for example.
Getting a professional organiser in to help you out can be a great idea, especially if you’re overwhelmed with all the other business involved in selling a home – not to mention living your life around it.
A pro can look at your clutter objectively and take quick, decisive action to remove the excess and store the rest out of sight.
Call it the Goldilocks effect.
If a property is too hot or too cold your buyers will bristle. Though it mightn’t be a deal breaker it does invite pointy questions – does the heating or cooling work as it should? With such high ceilings, it is expensive to heat?
Buyers get turned off it they can’t experience your home at its optimal comfort levels.
No price
Fewer things will frustrate a buyer more than looking at an advertised property with no price. It’s a big complaint from our website users if agents haven’t included at least an indicative cost, and we understand.
Your listing is usually the first time your possible buyer will see your home. If the required detail isn’t there, it’ll have be something truly unique to get them to dig deeper, rather than just scrolling past to the next property that meets their criteria.
Budget is all important for a buyer. It’s not always possible to pin down a finite dollar figure, but if your property advertising doesn’t at least have a range listed, it’s a top turn off for buyers, who probably think they’re in for a nasty shock (even if the home is reasonably priced). Help them marry their budget to your property and be upfront.
No address
Buyers want and deserve to know where their investment is located. Sometimes the suburb alone isn’t enough; surrounding streets and amenities can often make or break a sale.
Make sure your agent includes the full address you have available so it’s easy for buyers to do their homework on your property (the more work they put in, the more likely they’ll ultimately buy).
Not including information can be seen as a way to hide less than desirable details, whether or not it’s the case. And hiding doesn’t help anyone.
No photos
Would you buy a product sight unseen?
Photos are the single most powerful tool to inspire a potential buyer to inspect a home, or make an enquiry. People need to imagine their lives in your property, or get an authentic impression of how it will stand up as an investment.
Work with your agent to create a series of photos or video that shows your home in its best possible light. No visuals bodes poorly.
Story: Venessa Paech Source: www.realestate.com.au
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