Your pets will always be aware that something new is happening. As with humans, your pets enjoy comfortable and familiar surroundings. Moving away from routines will increase the stress levels.
Quotify has an excellent site detailing some of the measures you should consider when moving with your pets. Among the main concerns are:
> Keeping pet routines regular.
> Ensuring animals are registered and have all their identification tags available – especially during the moving period in case they get lost.
> Have your pet checked by the vet before you move.
> Ensure your pet meets local laws and regulations if you have moved interstate – some states have curfews (and in some cases outright bans) for different animals.
> Make sure your pet is accustomed to its familiar surrounding such as bowls and toys, etc, soon after they have arrived at your new address.
If you’re travelling by car, ensure you have the correct size animal carrier for your pet.
> It’s a good idea not to feed pets substantial meals during the trip, but rather have snacks and plenty of water.
- Incorporate breaks and exercise time for pets into the trip.
- Take a litter box for cats and scoop and plastic bags for dogs.
> Dogs should be acclimatised to their new surroundings as soon as possible – take them for a walk to familiarise themselves.
> With cats, in particular, it is a good idea to leave one room where they feel completely at home and are not upset by the sight of packing boxes and furniture out of place.
> At a cat’s new location, it is likely to feel out of place for a while and may be happy being kept inside until it’s ready to venture forth.
- A good solution is to leave the cat in cage outside to check its new surroundings – with you not far away of course.
- Making sure your cat is allowed to look outside through windows is a good way of letting them acclimatise.
> Animals such as guinea pigs, mice, birds or reptiles, should be kept in their cages, covered and cool.
- Ensure they have access to water as soon as you arrive at your location.
> You could consider rubbing a towel around your cat’s or dog’s body at your old address and rubbing this around prominent surfaces at your new address to ensure your pet gets a feeling of ‘home’ at its new location.
> Some companies might move pets – always ensure you have up to date vaccination and vet records.
Story by Alice M –
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