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A solution is on the way for a notorious Everton Park black spot. The stretch of South Pine Road near Halle Street has seen multiple crashes in wet weather over the past few years and residents have clearly had enough. Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey announced a $1.8 million upgrade was expected to start before the end of the year. $1.8 million to fix notorious Everton Park black spot “Department of Transport and Main Roads officers believe driver behaviour was a major contributor to those crashes but I asked them to undertake an urgent review to see if anything could be done to improve the road, ‘ said Mr Bailey. “TMR believes a minor road realignment, drainage improvements and new surfacing could help to improve the safety for road users and the local community, so they will start those upgrades this year.” While the works aim to reduce crashes at this location, drivers are reminded to drive to the conditions and posted speed signs.

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