You know the drill: When buying a home preparation is key. Especially in a sellers’ market.
Have your finance pre-approved. Have your lawyer locked and loaded. And have your building and pest inspection company lined up. That’s the practical, external stuff.
The ‘inner’ stuff is about being crystal-clear with your intentions: they have a habit of materialising.
If you’ve feeling uncertain about whether to make an offer on a property, share this too. A great agent will never ‘trick’ you into to buying a house, or paying too much. A great agent will help you get clear about whether that property is right for you.
When on the hunt for a house, agility, preparedness and clarity are vital. But so too is a healthy dose of non-attachment, otherwise known as detachment. In other words, it’s about perspective. It’s about taming your attachment or desire for things. And nothing fires it like finding the ‘right’ house.
If you’re hunting for a house (especially in the much sought after below $500K bracket), know that competition is tough out there amongst buyers. First home buyers versus investors. Investors versus first home buyers…
But here’s the thing. In life, and in all our dealings, we’re all going to win some and loose some. But it’s your response to these knocks that’s important to consider. Does it crush you? Do you blame others? Or do you dust yourself off and get on with it?
Buying a home is stressful, but by having your affairs in order, and a liberal sprinkling of non-attachment, you will eventually make that successful strike.
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