Even if you’re not planning on selling your castle anytime soon, have you considered what you could do to add value and enjoyment to it now?
Selling or not, most home owners would like to add value and enjoyment to their homes but it’s in the ‘doing’ that most find they screech – or wither – to a halt.
So, what if adding value and enjoyment to your home could be done with minimal cost and effort? What if someone, or better still, those that do this every day could help you break the task down into doable chunks? Would you, could you, should you lend them your ear?
To those of you nodding, come along to our free (repeat, free) evening, Top Tips to add Value to Your Home to find out how the experts do it. On Wednesday June 11, from 6.45pm until 8.00pm, savvy homeowners will be treated to an expert’s view on landscaping, colour consultancy and de cluttering.
By focusing on these tHicks Real Estatee key areas – landscaping, colour consultancy and de cluttering – homeowners will come away from this free evening armed with clear, practical ideas that can be implemented simply. And best of all, for minimal cost.
We all want our homes to be our castle and with a little energy and effort it can be achievable. We’re not talking costly renovations or months-on-months of work. What we’re offering here are practical tips to help make your home a place you love.
Not everything we do should be about the ‘bottom line’ in financial terms. With our busy, often stressful lives, we all want our homes to be a welcome respite. A place to re-charge. But of course by working on your garden; or repainting those tired walls; or clearing out that over-crowded kitchen, it stands to reason that, come sale time, you may just benefit financially too.
So, to help get you started on the making-my-home-the best-it-can-be project, invest less than two hours of your time.
Contact our office and RSVP to our Top Tips to add Value to Your Home evening by phoning 0459 317 039 or emailing allie@hicksrealestate.com.au
Top Tips to add Value to Your Home
Wednesday June 11, from 6.45pm until 8.00pm
Raven Street Reserve
Downfall Creek Bushland Centre
815 Rode Road, McDowall
For directions, click on the map here
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