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Spare rooms can be used in a number of different ways. However, one of the biggest problems when it comes to any spare room is that it often becomes the storage room! Even if you had the best intention to turn your spare room into a guest room, a gym or even an office, but as time went on more and more items have accumulated into the room.

Now, your spare room looks more like an overcrowded shed than a guest room. If you are ready to transform your spare room into a beautiful addition to your room, then now is the time to get started.

Spare Room Organization

The first thing you need to do when it comes to making the most out of your spare room is to empty it out.

This means throwing out any items in there that do not have a home elsewhere. Old children’s toys can be stored in closets or in your shed but anything else that you will not use again should be donated or thrown away. If you are going through your spare room and notice items in there that you forgot you even owned, then this is a clear sign that you can get rid of them.

Next, decide what you want to do with your spare room. Consider your lifestyle when making your choice. Do you have in-laws that live out of town and need a place to stay or do friends often stay the night? Then a guest room is a good choice. Transforming your spare room into a guest room is relatively simple. You will need a bed, a dresser, a lamp and any other items to make it more comfortable. Take a trip to your local homewares shop and look for sales on towels, linen, quilt covers, pillows and decorative art to brighten up your new guest room.



Spare Room Ideas

Do you need space for your gym equipment that is currently cluttering the living room? Then think about putting your treadmill, weights and yoga mat into the spare room for your own personal workout centre.

Add a small television in the corner if you enjoy watching TV while working out or dig out that old CD player and set up some music to work out to. Add a mini fridge to keep cool water bottles as well as a small dresser to store towels to wipe off the equipment after a strenuous workout.

Another good option for your spare room is a home office. Even if you do not work from home many people will still need a place to store their paperwork including marriage certificates, insurance papers, children’s report cards, etc.

You will also most likely have a family computer as well as a desk that may be clogging up your dining room table at the moment. Having a room dedicated to handling your finances, researching online and helping your kids with their homework will provide a much more relaxing way to manage the household and homework.

In addition to searching for a desk and chair, you may also want to look into a matching filing cabinet and an extra chair or two for the kids.

Regardless of how you choose to transform your spare room, take the time to think about what your home really needs. It can be very easy to make your spare room a cluttered storage centre where old toys, books, empty boxes, worn out clothes and anything else end up.

Making the most out of your spare room begins with a little bit of organization on your part.

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