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McDowall Property Market update


Median Sales Price

Property prices in McDowall have performed strongly over the past 12 months.

The median sale price for McDowall for houses is currently $902,500, having risen 27.1% over the past 12 months from $710,000.

There have been 125 properties listed for sale over the past 12 months. This is lower than the same time last year when there were 135 listings and shows that we have fewer sellers coming onto the market than for the same time last year. On the sales side, 142 properties sold over the past 12 months compared to 122 for the previous year.

The current time on market for a house in McDowall is 7 days. This timing is shorter than a typical 4 week auction campaign.

For units, the median sales price is $451,250. Apartment have performed strongly by 14.2% over the year. Units in McDowall typically sit on the market for 13 days.

Property market data can sometimes seem overwhelming. If you need help understanding what these numbers mean for you and how to interpret them for your own property goals, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of the Hicks Real Estate team.

mcdowall property update august 2022
Mcdowall real estate market news 2022

Nearby Suburbs

Suburb Median House Sale Price Median Unit Sale Price
McDowall $902,500 $451,250
Everton Park $925,000 $481,250
Stafford $1,025,000 $452,500
Aspley $832,500 $450,000
Bridgeman Downs $1,100,000 $432,500
Everton Hills $847,000 $546,500
Arana Hills $800,000 $477,000
Bunya $1,375,000 NA
One thing we do know is that the Property market in McDowall and all local suburbs, keep moving and changing.  So if you would like to discuss where your property sits in the current market please call one of the Hicks Real Estate team and we will be happy to update you.

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Hicks Real Estate is a Brisbane based, full-service real estate agency supporting buyers and sell as well as renters and property investors. With almost 20 years experience in the local market, we are the real estate experts you can rely upon.