Deciding what will bring you returns when you’re getting ready to sell your house is a big decision, and finding that ‘sweet-spot’ between savvy investment and over-capitalisation can be tough.
Overcapitalisation, quite simply, is spending more than you get in return: every cent you spend has to be recouped at the other end.
Getting good advice helps when deciding whether to paint, remodel or renovate. We’re all so familiar with our homes that a little objectivity is the key to making sound decisions.
A good real estate agent will help you work through the variables. But remember, be firm with yourself and be clear about what your budget is. That’s the first step.
Once you’ve established how much you can afford to spend, you can then decide what improvements can be made.
Be realistic about the time and cost these improvements will take and whether your ‘laundry list’ of improvements are emotional or rational choices.
A good real estate agent will also provide valuable insight into, firstly, comparable property prices in your area and secondly, what property features and trends are topping buyer lists. Use this information to guide your decision making.
Remember, you are improving your home to sell to the market, not letting your personal tastes take over. Your goal is to give buyers what they want, whilst never overlooking the value of a clean, tidy and de-cluttered home.
How far should you go to improve your house for sale? Let a realistic budget and good research of the local property market steer you.
Flutterby and ask Madeleine for an appraisal of your property today.
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