Property experts say mass interstate migration, a booming property market and years of steady rent prices fuelled the hike, with tenants warned to brace themselves for further jumps as landlords capitalise on record-low vacancy rates and skyrocketing demand.
According to the latest Domain Rent Report – which crunched the numbers on weekly asking rent prices across Brisbane for the June quarter – house rents soared by 2.3 per cent over the past tHicks Real Estatee months alone, while weekly unit rent prices remained stable at the previous record high of $400.
“This is the strongest rate of annual rent growth in almost 14 years for houses and in almost a decade for units, up $50 and $20 a week respectively,” Domain chief of research and economics Nicola Powell said.
“The market is a competitive one … and these are quite new conditions for tenants because rental growth has been subdued, so tenants are in a market that they haven’t experienced for some time, and they’ll need to be prepared for landlords raising their rents,” she said.
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